Life Coaching
Do you have a dream?
It may sound cliche but I mean it. What are your dreams?
Why hire a coach?
Because life is easier when there’s someone who is rooting for you.
Because you want
to be accountable for yourself.
to work in a team
to have successful transition
to have creative juice flow
to simplify your life
to have deeper and meaningful relationship
to redefine your existence in the world
to be motivated and inspired within yoursef
to be relaxed and have fun
to seek life with curiosity
to be a full human
In a nut shell, this is how it works.
1. Start with your goal(s)
2. Create initial plan(s)
3. Explore possible roadblocks and familiar challenges
4. Implement the most powerful action plans
5. Have fun with it
Your part…
Ready for Mind,Body, and Spirit desciplines to optimize performance and enjoy the fruit of your labor, the awareness and tools that last for life time.
Picture yourself being an Olympian, pick a choice of your favorite sports.
My part…
Life coaching inspires the natural motivation that is within you and then helps you stay “on track” to actually accomplish your personal goals. I will build on your strengths, encouraging you to stretch and take intelligent and meaningful risks, aligned with your values, goals, and vision.

FEES:Packages can be customized by your requests.